Well, once again a crazy amount of time has passed since my last blog post - but this time I have a couple excellent reasons!
Firstly, the hubby had ligament reconstruction surgery on his ankle. So, for about 4 weeks he was unable to help out around the house. If you read my blog regularly (or should I say
used to!) you'll know I work full time and my little blog is my pet project for after hours. Needless to say, blogging wasn't high on my list of to-do's.
And on top of that, I was really, really tired. All the time. Because I have some amazing news! I'm expecting! We were beyond excited to hear we had our own little bubsy on its way, but the timing was a little, uh, cramp in our style! I really could've done with having the 8 week recovery period for the hubby to be first trimester tiredness-free.
And then, a BIG surprise - we discovered at our 12 week ultrasound that there are
two babies!
It's now 3 weeks later and we still turn to each other every now and then and say twins. Twins! We are so, so excited! We were considering two children for our family (at some point) but now we will have an instant family - we are already planning first baths, first swims, first stand up paddle boards (there are boards for four year olds - woohoo!) and all that fun stuff. I can't wait to meet these little guys. Or girls. Or one of each. We don't know yet.
And, if you're wondering, it was a complete surprise - no maternal (that's me) history of twins, no IVF. The first thing I did after the ultrasound was google how someone like me becomes a mama to twins. Here, you should know this - if you have those first two criteria (history of twins on the woman's side, or medical help) you are more likely to have twins, but also if you are African American (well, to me as a South African, that means black - there are tribes in Nigeria with the highest multiple birth rates in the world), tall (!?), overweight (!?!), or older. According to one website I found, that meant over 30. According to another, it means over 35. I'm 34. I'm also somewhat tall, but not overly so (5'8").
So there you have it! The passed few weeks have been focused on getting through the tiredness, and taking care of the foot. I am now catching up on some projects I promised to help friends with, but hopefully soon I can start some fun stuff, like the nursery! I will be sure to share the details, but also any exciting decor and design news from South Africa, like I usually do.
I hope you are well, and if you're south of the hemisphere I hope your weather is not too cold, and if you are north, I hope your summer is in full swing!
I'll be back soon. Promise.