Monday, August 2, 2010


So I spent some of my mispent youth watching Tiny Toons Adventures. Sad, yes. Perhaps you watched them too. Did you ever notice that the water tower in the opening sequence (or closing? I can't remember now) had the words ACME on it? I think all the hammers and stuff the characters used for their ridiculous acts of violence usually came out of an ACME box, too. Well, that's actually a word. I had no idea until last month when I went to the Acme Bookbindery, here in Boston. It means pinnacle, as in, you've reached the pinnacle, the best of.

Amce definitely is the pinnacle of bookbinding. They do everything from those amazing, hand bound leather books that you can't make a mistake while binding or you have to start from scratch. They also print things like ordinary books, or student year books. It was fascinating (please ignore me as my inner graphic design nerd has her moment) and I learned a lot. A soaked up the colors and textures...

I also had a great time because I was there with my friend Andrea. In fact, some of these photos are hers, so just giving credit where credit is due. We totally enjoyed the old-school signage, and the vintage paperwork. Even the logos on the printing presses were divine.

And along the way I noticed this lusciously coloured book cover. Gorgeous! I went over to photograph...

... and discovered it was a book on South African jewellry! Of course I would spot that! But that's for another post... today is for dreaming of books...

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Great post Kirstey! I highly recommend a tour of this bindery- fascinating.