Wednesday, February 8, 2012

La Capra Pinotage

So, until very recently I had no idea that pinotage was a wine unique to South Africa. I mean, once I heard someone say that I realized that I had not come across it here in the States all that much. Maybe because I'm not much of a wine drinker, but you live and learn, you know.

Anyhoo, last weekend we had ourselves a little dinner party and found a lovely South African wine to enjoy with our traditional Tomato Bredie. It's called La Capra, and as a design fundi* as opposed to a wine fundi, I just loved the label. Apparently the wine was good, too! (And nicely priced. What more could you want?)

These great images of the bottle and the front label are from the Fairview wine farm, and the ones of the back label are by moi.

The wine is named after the La Capra festival hosted at the Fairview wine farm every year. There is a goat run around the farm and up Paarl mountain, and of course wine and cheese and other delicious things to eat, with live music and the whole shebang. (Click on the poster to check it all out.)

* a fundi in South Africa is an expert.

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