Friday, July 24, 2009

Country Livin'

Now that some regte egte* summer days have arrived in Boston, I find myself dreaming of long lazy days outside of the city, in the country, eating strawberries and watching fireflies at dusk...

I think we all dream of country homes. I recently noticed in a recent LivingEtc I picked up, that another of Trevyn McGowan's homes was featured (see the previous one here), a gorgeously white place in rural South Africa. Called Pear Tree Farm.

I love little vignettes like this one in homes

It looks like you can really breathe out there

Trevyn's husband, Julian, made the light in their bedroom from ostrich eggs in homage to the similar one from Droog

You can see more of the house in the July 2009 issue of LivingEtc, or here on their website (be sure to click on the room by room tour). I think you'll find lots of inspiration for your country home, real or imagined.

* roughly translated as the real thing

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