Instead I'll take you up North, just an hour or so, to Ogonquit, Maine. Of course, it was raining but we managed to get in a wonderful walk on the sea front on Saturday with our wonderful friends.

Our friends also introduced us to Nubble Lighthouse. I know I complain about the length of New England winters but the long, wet spring doesn't bother me. I love the colours, and the atmosphere it has. (Can you see the little ferry on the line on the left? Click to enlarge the image)
It was so good to get away and be with friends (and their adorable daughter!) I did notice that while the blossoms in Boston have long since gone, the blossoms are just starting in Southern Maine.

And although I've noticed in blogs from other parts of the country, like And George in Virginia (definitely worth checking out!), that their peonies are already in full force, here are mine back in Waltham.
I have two peonies. The one above has beautiful huge white flowers with a yellow centre, and they look like fried eggs from a distance. This year it has thirteen buds, which is a bummer because last year I had seventeen (well, before the roofers decapitated them). I have another peony, which is a vibrant, gorgeous dark magenta, but it only has one bud.
The other plant that just shows how slow spring moves North in this neck of the woods is that the lilacs in Ogonquit are still in bud, or just just opening, while the ones in my back yard are already in full, glorious bloom! Not a bad display for a rainy twilight.
Can't wait for my next trip to Maine... in the meantime, when I get some better light I'll share my finds from Brimfield, but later this week we'll get back into the lovely design from Southern Africa. Back to business!
Looks like a fun trip and very lovely photos- thank you for sharing!!!
Ever so slightly envious of your Brimfield trip as its something I have long wanted to do and somehow never managed to make happen...
Nice range of atmospheric pics too!
Ever so slightly envious of your Brimfield trip as its something I have long wanted to do and somehow never managed to make happen...
Nice range of atmospheric pics too!
Good thing you included the flower pics or else I wouldn't believe the title "spring" adventures haha. I love them all- especially the buds, and the "start of the season" photo of the chairs still all stacked up.
Mmm that pic reminds me of the dinner in Perkins Cove- YUM!
Let's go back again soon!!
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