ooh! Please let us know when you're done, I bet that'll be some interesting reading (do we find out if the woman in your article was really the woman in the painting?)
That's a tough one. Monika did sit for the Chinese Girl, as you might remember from my article. (BTW,recently CNN interviewed her too: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xldyfi_tretchikoff-s-green-lady_news) But I believe there was still an American model, the one who posed for the final version. According to Tretchi's autobiography, the artist met her at a restaurant in San Francisco Chinatown. He didn't specify if she was a patron or worked at the restaurant. Neither did he give her name. The man who introduced them is long dead. Apparently, he had no family to tell the story. But I keep on trying to solve the mystery. We'll keep in touch.
That looks fantastic doesn't it? I can see why it jumped out at you! We've done a similar thing in our house, but mostly due to a lack of wall space to hang all of our prints! Emma
Hello! Thanks for your posts about the art of Tretchikoff. I wrote the aricle in Mail & Guardian that you mentioned in your blog.
If you want to know more about the artist, please, visit my blog: http://tretchikoff-central.blogspot.com
hi Boris! Thanks for popping by... your blog is so interesting - he was quite a controversial figure, wasn't he?
He certainly was. I'm writing a book about him so I should know:) Thanks for visiting.
ooh! Please let us know when you're done, I bet that'll be some interesting reading (do we find out if the woman in your article was really the woman in the painting?)
That's a tough one. Monika did sit for the Chinese Girl, as you might remember from my article. (BTW,recently CNN interviewed her too: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xldyfi_tretchikoff-s-green-lady_news) But I believe there was still an American model, the one who posed for the final version. According to Tretchi's autobiography, the artist met her at a restaurant in San Francisco Chinatown. He didn't specify if she was a patron or worked at the restaurant. Neither did he give her name. The man who introduced them is long dead. Apparently, he had no family to tell the story. But I keep on trying to solve the mystery.
We'll keep in touch.
That looks fantastic doesn't it? I can see why it jumped out at you! We've done a similar thing in our house, but mostly due to a lack of wall space to hang all of our prints! Emma
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