I was as pleased as punch to get a comment from Ansie the other day, letting me know she'd awarded me a Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you!
Part of being awarded is to share seven random things about yourself. I'm inspired by Ansie's list, so mine starts from her's:
Ansie's first thing was that she thinks in straight lines. Me too! She says she thinks that she's that way because of her architectural training. I've got no such training so I have no excuse. I just love straight lines, order and clarity. I do know that as a graphic designer being a perfectionist is just par for the course, so maybe that's where mine comes from.
Ansie said she only exercises with motivation, like her Namaqualand Walk. I would definitely be up for something like that! But the way to get me exercising is to put me in or on water, or to put a ball in front of me and a team around me. I'm there!
Ansie's favourite books are site-specific. Like The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (it is a uniquey Botswanan story). My favourite books are non-fiction, or historical fiction. Right now I'm reading The Science of Yoga. And for historical fiction, the first favourite that comes to mind is The Red Tent. I also absolutely love good children's books, like Roald Dahl's books. My favourite is an epic poem called The Voyage of the Arctic Tern.
Ansie says she could be a full-time traveller. That sounds wonderful! But I think I'd be more suited to restoring houses. I could absolutely do that full time.
I love this one: Ansie could write a book on aubergines. That would be fantastic! If I were to write a book, I think it would have to be about birds. I'd need to lots of research but I think I could easily spend many hours engrossed in thinking about birds.
Then, Ansie says she is grateful that she was not born into a first-language English speaking home. I think she's right! I wish I was bilingual, like she is.
Lastly Ansie says she can't sing. Me either! The only time I sing is to my dogs, and they don't seem to mind. Too much.
Ok! Those are my seven random facts. The rules say this:
1. Add the award to your blog
2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you.
3. Mention 7 random things about yourself.
4. List the rules.
5. Award to 15 bloggers.
6. Inform each of those 15 by leaving a comment on their blog
So, I don't think I have 15 bloggers to award it to. But here's who I will award it to:
1. Black Zebra
2. Lanalou Style
3. Miss Milli B
Nice one! You definately deserve the award.... I always enjoy dipping into your blog.... of course some posts grab me more than others but the range of your content is stimulating and diverting and often fascinating while the clarity of your style and layout always pleasing!
I enjoy it when you send me off on tangents of exploration...
Thanks for all the effort you put into it !
D, you are so sweet and always know what to say. Thank you!
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