Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Guess What I Found?

hello my dears! It has been a while... and while I was gone, I finished a semester of night school, went to a wedding shower, went on holiday for a week, SLEPT, got a cold, caught up with friends and basically got my life back on track. Thanks for your patience while I enjoyed having nothing to do in my free time.

I'll ease us back in with a little inspiration I found at the bookstore tonight... a copy of South African House & Garden! What do you know!

I look forward to sharing more art, design, and craft from southern Africa in the next while, and maybe some of my own art and crafts (now that I have time). Take care!


Deb said...

Welcome back :)

Laverne said...

Lovely colours in the pic, and Oh! how I miss S.A magazines