Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Here & Now

I don't like this blog to be one of those navel-gazing blogs, but I know I always like to read more about the people who's blogs I like. So I'd like to share a bit about me, if you'd like to hear. I know this is late for a January-resolution type blog entry, but since I've got back from my South Africa trip things have been kind of nuts. So end of January will have to do.

I've always been someone who thinks they're focused on the now; you know, take the time to notice the beautiful snow on the trees after a storm, or see the rainbow in the sky. Maybe think to myself how lucky I am when I'm surrounded by good friends. But I never realized I am also the person who is always planning for the future; a future life. Maybe something I've dreamed of but will probably not come entirely true.

I'm not sure what did it, but I know realize that I've never really appreciated the present because of this. I'm always planning for what's to come, instead of enjoying what I have. I think my change of heart may have had something to do with my trip home: I felt like I had connected with who I was before I came to the States. I did stuff I used to do, and used to love. My brother reintroduced me to birdwatching. I've been a bird watcher all my life but stopped when I moved to the States. Was I overwhelmed and was too caught up with keeping afloat? Maybe. But today I stopped at the bookstore and picked up the Sibley field guide to the birds of North Eastern United States. Things are going to change around here!

Not only have I picked up my first American birding book but I decided to pay more attention to my apartment - sure, its not a home that I've bought, the one I've been dreaming of, but its my home right now. I've been inspired by all those terrariums on my favourite blogs, so I followed this simple tutorial from Amy Merrick, and made one to go on my fabulous new Ikea PS cabinet side board.

I also finally got to recovering some old floor cushions I've had for years - I cut the fabric out about two years ago and never finished them. I was probably terrified of how to put in a zip! Well, now I know.

Do you like the cushion on top? Its a great addition to my collection from Mr Price's LOVE RSA range (I also have the tin under my sink, holding my new sponges, and another two cushions in the spare room!).

Do you ever feel this way? How are your resolutions going?

I hope 2012 is a year filled with wonderful times for all of us.... Cheers!

1 comment:

cat said...

Have to go and peak in Mr P for those cushions. Ope your year is fab (over fromHaley's)