Tomorrow I am off, on holiday, to... guess? That's right! South Africa! It's been nearly four years since I was last there, so I am looking forward to it. Enjoy your holidays, look after yourself and I will see you back here in the new year.

(Image by Jeremy, yes that Jeremy, as seen on The Wren's blog.)
Four years?? Wow, have a great time! Enjoy some beskuit for me! -X
Enjoy your holiday! Happy New Year!
Aren't you back yet?? I'm counting the weeks to South Africa, and I need some visuals to get me excited! I hope you had/are having a great time. -X
lol, you're a funny man, Xander. I'm back... today I finally feel like I am awake, and fully present, so prepare yourself for yummy new stuff on Monday :)
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