Okay, introductions out of the way, let's get down to business. Garance's beautiful illustrations are being featured by the Gap on some limited edition tshirts (IwantoneIwantoneIwantone) but guess who else's work is being featured? Someone I should have told you about ages ago (my apologies).

The reason I didn't tell you is because his work was sold out... let me explain. Somewhere along the line I read about Albertus Swanepoel. A South African boy who learned the art of millinery (very well too, by the looks of things) and has since blown everyone away by being a runner-up to the CFDA Vogue Fashion Fund.

He recently designed a range of hats inspired by the classic Gap khaki for the Gap, and so I got my little self over there chop-chop... only to find they were all sold out! I was so heartbroken I couldn't blog about it.

But now, thanks to Garance, I have hope! Also, I just went over to the accessories page (to double check. I am nothing if not enthusiastic) and some of Albertus' hats are still for sale... and ON sale. So, if you can't get your hands on the limited edition work that will be for sale with Garance's at the Carnaby Street exhibition next week (I think Garance's blog is probably the best place for more info), head over to the Gap accessories page and take out your credit card.
Tshirt photo from Garance's blog, the Gap ad from Albertus's website, and the great photo of Albertus, from the Luxe Chronicles, where you can find an interview with him, too.
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