Monday, September 13, 2010

Afrobot Returns!

As you well know, I am very fond of the quirky characters in Nicholas Hausers' Afrobot series of ceramics. So I was pleased as punch when he contacted me with pics from his 2010 set.

Here is a bit of what inspires Nick.

"I have always revered the great masks, totems and fetish sculptures of Africa. Their forms know no restrictions, nor limitations and they are innocent in the sense that they are made to actually do something for people. Art has lost that kind of innocence these days.

Whilst working in Uganda, I noticed that my fondness for old cartoon and tin robots from the 1950s and 1960s, connected to the genius of the anonymous sculptor / carvers of Central and East Africa. The designers of these mass-produced science fiction robots also went largely anonymous and uncredited.

I marvel that their products have gifted us with such integrity of form created for no tangible reward save perhaps the satisfaction of an image given life....

So as you read this, I hope that you'll all have a close look at some clay that is technically fairly naively handled, but with a lot of love and commitment to the pleasure, the adventure of playing and the mostly childlike results of a rusty imagination....

Weebale nyo.
(Thank you in Luganda)"

You can find his contact details on his website.
Oh, I hope I get one for Christmas!

1 comment:

Dinara said...

Oh my, LOVE love love these robots!!!! Thanks for sharing :)))