Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Karoo Olive Oil

Apparently I'm not so sharp because it never occurred to me that the Karoo would be a great place to grow olives. I recently saw this lovely design on pinterest, and it led me down the rabbit hole...

This olive oil comes from a lovely little dorpie (town) called Prince Albert. It looks so idylllic. Love the sunsets!

Prince Albert olive farms also sell their olives - but so far it looks like only in South Africa. What a bummer. I'd love to know different their olives taste to those from Europe... the other thing I was wondering if they would ever consider having a little guest house. How wonderful it would be to spend a weekend in the quiet?

Check out the Prince Albert Olives website here.


http://padkos-thejourneyhome.blogspot.co.uk/ said...

I am totally obsessed with Prince Albert especially http://brakdakkie.co.za/. Had a brilliant stay there and dream of going back. And yes the olive oil has a flavour of its own.

kbd said...

Brakdakkie looks so charming! Sounds perfect to me - stay there and visit the olive farm. Perfect weekend away.