On my most recent trip home, which was waaaay too long ago, I spent some time in the lovely town of Notting Hill, in the Natal Midlands (anyone who loves arts and crafts and who visits SA should take a leisurely spin along the Midlands Meander, you will only be grateful). It's a lovely little place. Along the way I came across this new construction.
(Note: it is now September 27 and my friend Skinny has pointed out that the town is Nottingham Road, not Notting Hill. Thanks Skinny! Sorry, it was a while back that I was there.)

You know what I love about it? Instead of looking like a Tuscan villa, which a lot of architecture in SA is sadly often misguided of inspiring to, it looked like it was SOUTH AFRICAN. Hmm, you'd think that would be obvious, right? Well, I think for too long we, probably along with other peoples, looked abroad to what was the "right" thing, the most "advanced" thing and so on, without thinking about what works in our environments, what our forefathers had done before us and why, and how, it could make our lives in our coutries make more sense.
Here is an older building in town, probably one that has been there since the town was first settled, or shortly thereafter. You can see where the inspiration comes from... the roof, stoep, pillars, chimney...

Another really super example of this is the Sibaya casino in the same province, but closer to the ocean, in Umdloti. It is modeled on a traditional Zulu village and just looks fantastic. I wish I had a photograph of when you intially see the casino as you round the corner as you drive up the coast from Durban, the "village" emerging out of the jungle, a proud establishment. But I don't :) Here is the pic I do have, hope it suffices.

Alright, tirade over... all I wish for now is a granadilla shweppes and a great South African stoep* to sit on.
There are some beautiful places in the Midlands. Did you use to live in KZN? We have just been to Midlands Saddle and Trout.
unfortunately I wasn't so lucky as to live in KZN... I'm a joburg girl... thanks for the comment, I've had a brief look at your blog... looks great! When I'm not at work, I think I will take some time to have a real look :)
I love your blog, and I love schweppes too. How I miss it.
Haven't been checking in much lately - toooooo much to do - but have enjoyed catching up with things. Great to know you've just been to Nottingham Rd ( I think you meant that, not Notting Hill?). We go there all the time cos my husband's folks have a lovely farm on the Mooi. What a glorious spot.
hey Heather... you have it right! It IS Nottingham Rd... I have kind of forgotten because I wasn't there recently, it was over a year ago. Thanks for the fact check!
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