Monday, July 30, 2007

You're Dismissed!

Hooray, I am back! Vacations are lovely things, it is always good to hang out with your family and peeps, but then you miss your blog, no? My wonderful friend Ros sent me a lovely package in the mail this past weekend with gorgeous goodies to share with y'all, but before I get all that in order, here is a little something else.

In 2005, South African TV had its own version of the US-franchised TV show, The Apprentice. The boss was a mining magnate, Tokyo Sexwale, and his line for firing a competitor was, "You're dismissed!" Apparently there was some uproar after the finale, as Tokyo decided to hire both runners-up.

Anyway, the TV drama aside, the real drama for me is the apartment the show was shot in. It was designed by Maira Koutsoudakis (see my previous post about her wallpaper design) and just rocks luxury, SA-style.

(Photos as seen in House and Leisure magazine, House of the Year Competition, 2005.)

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