Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring is (Almost) in the Air

Firstly, my apologies for gone for longer than I said! I so miss my blogging when I'm away but of course my art project took longer than I thought (more later, next week, on that) and then I was under the weather for a spell. But its hard to keep a hard-headed blogger down, so I'm back!

I realize my headline is totally going to jinx the weather and there'll be more snow (has to be, its only March) but this year is feeling like its supposed to be. Anyone know this phrase? March comes in like a lion, and leaves like a lamb? Well, I think this year is the first year I've been in Boston that it might be true. We've had wind (the roaring lion) and some rain and some snow, but nothing terrible... and its warming up! Maybe spring will be here by the end of the month.

One thing I do know is that the frozen snowbanks are melting. Remember in the middle of my long-winded explanation of snow in New England, I mentioned that you should not let your keys fall into the path of your snowblower? Well, we find more pieces every day.

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